Thursday, January 27, 2011

Good Blog/Bad Blog

        As a student in the 21st century, I've been exposed countless times to blogs relating to many varying subjects, from automotive tech. to European travel, but up until this point I've never considered a blog a legitimate medium from which to teach.  Even now I still have my reservations, but I am opening up to the idea of using technology as a teaching aid.  Readers can expect me to analyze the appropriate use of technology in midlevel classroom while weighing the pro's and con's of this new approach to teaching.  I'm not yet one-hundred percent sold on technology, but I at least now recognize some characteristics that separate a good blog from a bad blog.
       It would seem, based on other educational blogs to which I've been exposed, that the key to maintaining a good blog is quite simple; a blogger must realize that he or she must be clear and to the point.   More often than not, a blog is used as resource to guide people in a specific direction and not as a direct source of information.  Bloggers are most effective if they can point to a specific source, write a short conclusion and present an argument for discussion with his or her readership.  A good blogger/blog needs to be open for discussion and willing to further explain his or her point if necessary.


  1. I appreciate both your openness to the possible benefits associated with using technology in the classroom and your guardedness. Like you, I don't think we should use digital tools in the classroom just so we can say we did. I look forward to following as you sort out some of the questions related to the appropriate uses of technology in teaching and learning.

  2. I understand your uncomfortable disposition towards the educational value of blogging, personally I am a bit resistant as well but I suppose we will see for ourselves first hand together.
    I also agree with the succinct nature of the tool. Your blog sounds like it will be an effective resource.

  3. Jake, everything that you said makes perfect sense and I can relate to how you are feeling. Even looking deeper into the reasoning behind blogs I don't feel they are necessary in the classroom. I like the idea of first hand interactions with students and their teacher rather than expressing ideas or giving lessons over the internet. It will be interesting to learn more about the benefits of blogging.

  4. I agree with you that blogs should be simple and straight to the point. I dont want to read a book when i sit down at the computer, but want to skim something quickly and move on. I think whether using blogs for education fails or succeeds, we will still learn something from it.

  5. I also agree, and am a bit skeptical myself, that blogs could make an interesting teaching tool. I think it can be a great resource for teachers to learn and connect, but it may not be the best way to teach students a more formal style of writing. On the other hand, it may be a good way to get students more excited about writing. I think there are both positive and negative sides of teaching with blogs.
